Free to Speak Foundation is a non-profit dedicated to providing mental health services to those who can not do so independently, because at Free to Speak we believe in the importance of getting connected. If you think about it we are all only 1 person away from opportunity, support, change, growth, a different perspective, or being HEARD. Free to Speak Foundation envisions itself as being the penny tossed in the wishing well...the shot took out of hope that causes a ripple effect impacting everything around it. However, our vision isn’t to just be the money we throw into a community that pays for your costs to Speak or be spoken to about mental health. Our monetary investment in a community, organization, or individual is only but a shadow of what we strive for. Free to Speak Foundation’s vision is to be that penny in the fountain that causes a ripple effect of CHANGE. Not monetary change that you can see, but the emotional change within a community that you feel. Free to Speak’s value lies within cultivating communities where everyone feels FREE TO SPEAK about their struggles & triumphs, their shortcomings & gifts, their pain & their passions, their past & their future, their STORY that has created their NOW. We envision communities that get connected by sharing these vulnerable emotions that lie underneath the surface. On the outside, we see a field of trees that stand alone, but if we dig deeper and share our roots...we can connect and help each other to thrive and grow to greater heights than ever before. We are born into this world with only emotion...as we grow we learn to express these emotions by speaking...which allows us to move through and overcome the obstacles that lie within us. In a world so fast-paced and digital we have forgotten this fundamental aspect of humanity.